Isfahan’s Jolfa neighborhood was one of the Armenian neighborhoods of Isfahan. In the first years of the Armenian migration to Isfahan, Armenians chose this neighborhood as their place of residence. Among the streets inhabited by Armenians are the neighborhoods of the Big Square, the Small Square, Chaharsooq, Qarakol, Hakopjan, Sangtarash-ha, Tabriziha, and Irvaniha. Today, only the two neighborhoods of Tabriziha and Irvaniha are inhabited by Armenians and other neighborhoods have become inhabited by Muslims.
The Armenians of Isfahan are a group of Armenians of the ancient Jolfa tribe (Jogha) who were brought to Isfahan after the great migration from Jolfa in 1605 by the order of Shah Abbas I and settled there. The number of Armenians in Iran is about 120,000, and a significant portion of them live in Isfahan. The density of cafes in Isfahan’s Julfa neighborhood is unparalleled. Cafes in European style with Western music, such as Marseille Café! The atmosphere is as if you have traveled to Paris. Cozy and small crowded cafes with cluttered wooden chairs. On the stone platforms and stairs of the Jolfa squares, you will see many young groups sitting together, listening to music, and having a drink.
If you are in the vicinity of Vank Cathedral, Julfa Central Church, its big clock will ring every hour. On the narrow street of Jolfa, cars are rarely seen. Even if there is a car, it will pass by very calmly and carefully. Jolfa neighborhood is one of the old neighborhoods of Isfahan, which without a doubt, passing through it and watching the old Armenian houses with the sound of church bells has created a special atmosphere; here in this neighborhood, Muslims and Armenians live together peacefully.
Jolfa is one of the oldest and busiest neighborhoods in Isfahan. The beautiful and unparalleled historical texture of Jolfa neighborhood in Isfahan attracts many tourists every day.
One of the most important features of Jolfa neighborhood of Isfahan is that you can easily walk in this neighborhood and visit the wonderful beauties of this neighborhood. Isfahan’s Jolfa neighborhood has many beautiful old shops and antique buildings that amaze the tourists who visit this place for the first time.
The elegant and special architecture of the buildings and the beautiful design of the alleys and streets in the Jolfa neighborhood of Isfahan makes it unique in all of Iran, so don’t forget to visit this neighborhood when traveling to Isfahan city.
The Jolfa Square:
The square, now called the Great Square, is one of the oldest squares of Julfa, next to which used to be a large caravanserai surrounded on two sides by a two-story building. On one side of the caravanserai was a place for keeping horses and other services. Nowadays, there is no trace of this caravanserai.
Julfa neighborhood and its unique churches and cathedrals:
Isfahan’s Jolfa neighborhood is one of those spectacular neighborhoods that every tourist should definitely visit when traveling to Isfahan. One of the most beautiful sights of Jolfa is the unique and elegant churches and cathedrals of this amazing ancient neighborhood. The Beit al-Lahm Church (Bedkhem Church) and Vank Cathedral are among the most famous of these churches, visited by many Iranian and foreign tourists every year. Inside the Beit al-Lahm Church, there are some beautiful and wonderful murals that mesmerize those interested in art. Vank Cathedral is more famous than Beit Al-Lahm Church, and in fact, it can be considered the most important church in Isfahan, which is one of the main tourist centers in this city. Inside this amazing ancient church, there is a very calm and spiritual atmosphere with beautiful paintings that can entertain you for hours.
Among the important historical churches of Isfahan’s Julfa neighborhood, we can mention Vank Cathedral, Beit al-Lahm Church (Bedkhem Church), Saint Mary Church, and Saint George Armenian Church.
The Vank Cathedral has a historical museum located on the north side of the church and has numerous halls and historical objects and monuments. The museum building was built in 1905 and several paintings by Armenian merchants who had traveled to Europe were donated to the church.
The most important historical church in Julfa since the reign of Shah Abbas I is the famous Bedkhem or “Beit al-Lahm” church. Located in Jolfa Square, adjacent to the Saint Mary Church, the church was built by an Armenian merchant named Khajeh Petros.
The Armenians of Julfa expanded their first church, the Hakop, which was very small, and built a larger church, the Saint Mary Church. The building of this church is foursquare and without columns. The paintings of the Saint Mary Church are among the best examples of church paintings.
After the Hakop Church, Saint George Armenian Church is also considered to be one of the oldest churches in Jolfa in the Small Square neighborhood. The locals call this church the Gharib Church. The interior of the church is very simple and only an old painting is on the altar.
The Siahpooshan monastery:
The Nun monastery, also known as the Siahpooshan monastery is located in the Chaharsooq neighborhood, near the Church of John (Huans).
Historical attractions or shopping?
Many people who visit the Jolfa neighborhood of Isfahan always have this question in mind: should they visit the historical sites in this area or should they make their purchases from the wonderful shopping centers of this neighborhood? The most important thing to know about this neighborhood is that there are many shopping malls and beautiful stores in this neighborhood where you can do your shopping. A good place to buy cool souvenirs!
One of the most important features of shopping malls in this neighborhood is their old and antique style and architecture. Remember even if you don’t want to buy from these beautiful shops, be sure to visit them.
The Chaharsooq neighborhood:
One of the most famous neighborhoods of Isfahan is Chaharsooq neighborhood, visited by many tourists every year. This neighborhood has so many beauties that will amaze you. This neighborhood has wonderful historical features that can mesmerize those who are interested in history. There are also other spectacular and unique attractions in this neighborhood that you must visit.
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