Saraye Ameriha Boutique Hotel - Kashan

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7 th Bastaan St. , Alavi St. , Kashan.

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The Ameri Historic House in Kashan

The Ameri Historical House is one of the largest traditional residences in Kashan. Dating back to the Zandieh era the house was later enlarged with additional sections during the Qajar era. The Ameri House was originally built for Saham Al-Saltanah-e Ameri, the governor of Kashan, and is now restored and modified to a beautiful traditional hotel. The house is located among several large historic houses in the central district of Kashan. In the 18th century, these houses were ruined by major earthquakes and later they were rebuilt in the mid19th century.

The Ameri House is a 7,000 square meters complex structure with 3 interconnected houses, 85 rooms, 5 courtyards, 2 bathrooms (one for men and one for women), and the highest wind towers in the city. Like any other traditional houses in Kashan, the Ameri house also consists of exterior and interior courtyards which are the oldest structures of the building. Each of these courtyards has its own pool-house, porch, 3-door rooms, and 7-door royal rooms harmonically and symmetrically constructed around it.
The interior and exterior sections of the Ameri Historic house have benefited from Iranian architecture. Both sections are adorned with magnificently detailed stucco, woodcarvings, mirror works, and other Iranian decorations. The main structure is made of bricks and insulated with thatch. 

  The Ameri Historic house has been repaired and modified to a beautiful 4-star hotel by the Cultural Heritage Bureau of Kashan. Kashan Ameri House also is known as the Traditional Ameri Hotel includes a restaurant in the Mirror Hall and shops, tea houses, cafeterias, and traditional pastries around the exterior courtyard. There is also a lounge and rest areas provided for both hotel guests and tourists at the Ameri House’s courtyards and pool houses.